(Title Credits - Anand :))
This is written on 1 April 2023. But this is all true and no prank!
Recently, quite a few folks joined Indihood. Every now and then, someone would mention Badminton in their interests. And Anand would say something on the lines of- We have one more badminton player!
Finally, in this meetup, they made a badminton plan! I don’t know who initiated the conversation, but whoever it was- thankyou 😀
Anand coordinated and finally we met on a Saturday!
Me, Abhishek and Nitin reached before time! :D
Anand, Sai and Areeb on time.
Then we had a surprise player! Subhashish! He came out of nowhere! And brought with him his auspicious fun element and clicked a few pictures! (although mine was terrible). Seemingly he had forgotten his laptop in Sashay and had come to take that from Sai!
And then, Abhijeet! If he had turned up on time, it would have been so normal and unexpected! So, to keep our expectations in place, he came after a warm up by coming from a longer route. :p
There were 7 of us-
Anand, Abhishek, Abhijeet, Areeb Nitin, Sai and me.
Everyone dressed up in sporty cum morning out of the bed look! After a few knocks we played doubles! In multiple permutations and combinations!
Two hours passed in no time! We could have played more! :p
Today we were playing with and against each other for the first time! If I had to put down some observations, they would be --
Abhishek, as is his style, can have patience and hit! And place well.
Nitin looked like the fittest of us all! Plays quite well too. And he can hit the backhand toss.. 😛
Anand needless to say, is the best! Someone did point out! Imagine if we had to play Anand when he was younger!
I do not have insights about the rest of us! Was busy playing this time to have more observations :p (That is for next time). So, I'll let the pictures do the talking!

Did I mention- This game was Anand’s treat to us. None of us had to pay 😀

For me, badminton was a long forgotten interest. I played badminton in school for a few months in 8th grade. Then once or twice here and there in college! But after playing with these folks, I want to start again! 😀
Apart from playing with my left hand too, there is one shot I want to work on- Backhand toss. Both Anand and Nitin play that well.
I am not surprised that I went to office for 5 days and still came to play Badminton on the 6th! But I am surprised all of us did!
This might sound racist of sorts. But I will still say it! (Not sure if that is generally the case :p)
More often than not, the friends I played with were different from the friends I studied/worked with. It was hard to find people interested in both! After coming to Bangalore, it has been difficult to find company in general!
So, today was - best of all worlds. Super smart people who like playing sports, and finally manage to get together! :D! So, even the conversations between games are something to look forward to!
Until next time!
Wishlist- Playing again to start with :P Then playing singles as well :D And getting better at the game and having as much and more fun! Everything else is complementary!
