I had never considered this an issue even worth thinking, worth wasting my energy on. I used to feel ambivalent towards it.. The ones who drink, smoke, take drugs ..
“Saale apni aisi taisi karaayein.. Marein jaakar meri balaa se.. Duniya ki population thodi kam hogi ..
Till I found some of those I literally dote over, Love and respect above all, Who have made me what I am, Who holds an ir-replacable position in my life.. in clutches of this.. addicted to smoking, drugs and alcohol..And they are the erudite, elan, vivacious and awesome folk.. When I see them in clutches of this, I feel being slowly killed from the very core.. And I don’t wanna die .. so yes.. this is my problem..
Every time I see a batch-mate and sometimes my juniors smoking, my first response is shock. Like you are just 18 something! You are studying in one of the best colleges. You are capable of using your brains.. How can you be so stupid.. When I tell my friends and my mom: They say .. When they don’t care about themselves : why would they bother to pay heed to you.. But yeah .. over the last 3 years, it has happened so many times, and every time I see someone I know doing that, I start with my sermon.. ofcourse without effect..
Just one question to you all.. What do you get out of it.. smoking, drinking..
Maybe you don’t have an answer.
And finally, perhaps I see the problem: Its like I know I should exercise regularly but I still am not able to do it alone.. without any inspiration. I know it will increase my life span, I ll lead a healthy life.. but still I am not able to be regular at it. But here I go : I joined a martial arts school and there I was : I practiced 7 days a week..3-4 hrs a day .. I couldn’t do coding on my own or through an open course ware in 3 years of college knowing it ll help me earn a handsome job. I just couldn’t, and then coding blocks came to my life.. I completed fundamentals of all that is required in 3 months.. Yeah .. I don’t feel embarrassed to say that I worked day in and day out but not out of compulsion or fear..but out of obsession..out of addiction.. out of choice.. and I got placed too..
The point I am trying to make is .. nothing is impossible.. Its all a matter of the right amount of inspiration. Everyone has a different source of energy.Find yours.. Its perfect to be addicted .. but to the stuff worth being addicted to.
To all the people who feel” Kyon hi fukna h.. kyon peena h “.. and do not touch this criminal stuff.. High 5.. 😀 To the others: especially the ones who know what they are doing is sheer stupidity and feel they are addicted! If you want to stop .. you ll already find 100s of ways. There is no problem bigger than you .. You are bigger than all the troubles and challenges life can throw at you.. Isn’t it?? You can do stuff like indulging in the company of your so called sadhu friends (the ones who don’t touch this stuff).. indulge in fitness training and yoga .. indulge in anything that works for you..inspires you.. But stop now .. for yourself.
The cost of your life is much more than a piece of cigarette , a pinch of drugs .. and shots of alcohol. And especially : to all my role-models..all those who have inspired me to write this : You are my inspiration. Please stop now if I mean anything to you at all..
And lastly to the people in power: I see the solution: simple and straight: A total ban on cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. Why can’t we enforce it. Why not a total ban on cigarettes..Highest source of revenue.. Like seriously.. Lets brainstorm: we can find 1000 more means for that. There is a lot we can do.. My ideas coming in the next post .. Till then .. Looking for your views .. and ideas 🙂