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Love And Life

Writer: Vidhi AggarwalVidhi Aggarwal

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

A guy or a gal..

If YOU walk out, and people around you start talking about relationships.. And the same age old gf and bf are like “save me the horror” ..

If YOU cannot stand splitsvilla, bindaas, and the likes, even to pass time.. Family dramas might still seem better.. though things were different with comedy nights..

If YOU prefer old hindi songs with some meaningful, inspirational and soulful lyrics.. Rather than the so called songs of our age.. which seem incoherent even if you are able decode the lyrics..

If for YOU walking in a park in CP is a serious embarrassment..and roaming in malls wasting time.. Shopping is of course a strict no, though eating out and chatting are fine once in a while..

If YOU too feel annoyed with blind westernisation.. And feel like killing the person who addresses you as babes .. jaanu and the likes.. just ewww.

If tracks and Ts and are your favourite outfit, Be it formals for placements, or a sari for farewell.. anything, the slightest bit uncomfortable is annoying..

If you prefer time with your novels, or your favourite sport, Though nothing is better than a comedy movie and a hearty laugh Rather than gossiping and messaging day in and day out with some so called better half..

If you are the one who goes and apologises even if it is not your fault.. Not because you are benign or you believe forgiveness is divine.. But because you cannot take the emotional trauma and tension, cannot be morose for a long time..

and more than all the above… If your mom is more confident than everyone else that you ll never have bf or gf.. let alone a wife or husband..

You rock !! Hi 5.. Because just like me you too are absolutely normal.. unique.. cool.. proudly single.. in fact blessed .. and what follows hence will make you believe that.. Even if you do not satisfy the all the above criteria, you will relate to everything else that follows.. because it is all about love and life.. 😉

Those arms we opened our eyes into.. that tight embrace in where we felt protected from all harm.. Our shield.. its you mummy.. .We are big idiots if we haven’t said that out loud ..Never can we say enough about you.. your unconditional love, patience, strength.. everything about you is divine. Even today, anything that comes our way needs to cross you before it even touches us.. You are not just our first love.. or our greatest love..

You define love..


Then, Family, yeah.. we pity you!! but thanks for accepting us the way we are..the jerks we are..but its you who made us such spoilt brats..and we love you for that!

A few years into this wonder called life, our world expanded from our immediate family. It was the first day we stepped into school, most of us crying. So many teachers, so many friends..we were overwhelmed.. 16 years in school.. Remember.. the stylish and eloquent English teachers we poured out our hearts to.. the super humorous Hindi teacher.. the stern and super-fit PT instructor .. The pretty Eco teacher who was the heartthrob of every boy..the teacher who made even History interesting.. with quizzes and stories.. the teachers who made us love even Science..


Yeah..that was school ..where love for a subject was measured by our love for the teacher..

That thrill of outdoor sports..the ones who have had the first hand experience will know there is no stronger obsession..

Be it gully cricket, gallery, football, badminton or vish amrit, or hide and seek when the electricity went off.. with colony friends. Our mum’s fear was the sole thing which could bring us indoors after dark..Rugged elbows and knees and everyday fights. Playing for school team was a dream come true.. and playing states and nationals an honour..


Thanks to those days, some of us became full fledged street fighters and the rest at least intrepid and audacious. Wasn’t that love.. obsession to the core !! Thankfully those days the boring and useless video games weren’t as popular..

Novels.. they seem to be shouting at me for bringing them in so late :p

Famous Five and Secret Seven of Enid Blyton. The children’s clubs..the adventure trips and the in-house treats.. In those days we could never form such teams and children’s clubs, but I guess they are the greatest inspiration behind our school and college societies and even startups.. Then Hardy Boys gave us a glimpse of college in school.. and we came to know about FBI , basketball and sleuths.. the cool code.. Twilight made us fantasise about an Edward and a Bella and their immortal world. We liked it in some ways and in some ways, found it ridiculous.. Dan Brown’s worlds proved history was beyond boring.. and Amish rejuvenated our culture and folk tales in ways we couldn’t imagine..


There were many others like Richard Bach, Ruskin Bond, Shakespeare, whom we grew up with, and didn’t even realise ! When we unconditionally and irrevocably fell for these . (Yeah.. you have read something like that in Twilight) ..

Before you kill me for skipping Harry Potter .. just a second..

Harry Potter was never just a novel, or a parallel enchanting universe..

It was something we lived with, are living with and will live with,for as long as we live..:p Dumbledore’s words will continue to inspire us to be happy even in the darkest of times.. With Harry Potter we found magic in our muggle world. We found Dumbledore in our ideals, Lily and Mrs Weasley in our moms, Sirius in our favourite relatives, Hogwarts in our colleges and schools, friends in Ron and Hermoine, teams in Dumbledore’s army, and in our friends with that eccentric, funny, impish, trouble-maker streak we found Fred and George.. Of course we can map every character of Harry Potter in our day to day life.

We love Harry Potter would be an understatement.. Love is too weak a word for Harry Potter. Perhaps there is no word that can express our feelings for it.

And yeah .. Ironman, Spiderman, Batman and all our superheroes. There was once also a Shaktimaan with” Kuch choti kuch moti baatein.. a Sonpari we believed would come to our rescue, a Super Commando Dhruv whose comics were exchanged under desks daily..There was this time we didn’t want to be a doctor, engineer, scientist, .. We wanted to be Superman, or one of the power puff gals when we grew up 😀 Of course we love our superheroes..


And how could I forget , we are the people with a gamut of friends. Facebook might even vouch for that. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to handle so many at a time.. We have school friends, colony friends, college friends, intern friends, coaching friends.. on and on and on.. Friends we fight with and friends we cannot do without. And if you have reached here in my article, its more because you are my friend, and I have threatened you to read it..and not because of my writing.. And that makes me remember something:

Love is Friendship. (Yeah.. our or rather my favourite SRK) :p

Then all of us have our personal favourites .. writing, coding, eating, traveling, dancing, martial arts, music, cars, bikes,…. and the list is endless.. In my case love is VMC, love is my project, love is my Coding Blocks, .. I wont continue on these.. or I wouldn’t be able to stop.. :p

I believe.. Its because we fall in love everyday..with people .. with things.. Perhaps because our first love is life and Our love interests are infinite. And for us one gf or bf won’t ever suffice..



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