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Kalari Kabila :D

Writer: Vidhi AggarwalVidhi Aggarwal

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

Over this last month, I got a chance to be a part of a new cult family. I barely understand what they say.. and I hardly know them .. but I have tried..


The dude girl- 

I wouldn’t mind having a sister like her. And that is a big compliment 😛!!

While I am still processing this new place, its culture, people, their ways and their world, she already feels like a person I need no filters with.

It has to be the life coach factor! These people can make anyone feel at home :p

She might not be the best when it comes to Kalari!

But she is always in to learn, to try, to help.. And always has a charm about her.. ALWAYS !! And, you cannot compete with these kind of people..

Despite the wall I kept up.. She was the first to break in and make me feel welcome in their world..

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Mr. Good vibes? 

“When did I graduate? ” This was the ice breaker question? Of course, a twisted way of asking “How old are you? And that question hurts. Everyone wishes they became vampires at 18. 😄

When it comes to Kalari, clean moves and average strength.

Trying to have a conversation- dead end !! 

As a person, after the dude girl, it has to be Mr. Good vibes! 

Everything else is mystery, so this will have to suffice!!

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The dude guy- 

He comes in a  beanie and the “yo bro” swag!

He guided me through punches for the first time. Practically punctured all my muscles when I did blocks and punches with him! And still goes around floating the afwaa – that I am strong 😕 and no one practices with me ever since.  These entrepreneurs and cool people- I tell you :p

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He’s not perfect, yet :p

There is no doubt- He is the best. When he performs- There are claps, not just claps,  *whistles*.

Be it high kicks, jumps, or any kind of acrobatics- effortless!!  I wonder if he knows how to numb people’s nerves! Or the next level for him would be controlling natural elements with his mind. :p

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The fiery spirit

She taught me my first step- salutation! Persistent, competitive, high spirited, a quick learner, emanating fire in every move!! To top it up- A fabulous dancer and choreographer.. Her amalgamation of dance and Kalari makes her a killer combo 🙂

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Too true to his name!

Gymnastics level flexibility and just too modest. Would definitely pass off as an ideal in every role he takes up-  a cool fighter, an inspiring teacher, a sought after student!

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The Silent killer

In a martial art,  you need to have both, clean moves and strength. And this guy possesses both. If I ever have to choose an opponent in a duel, I ll choose him.

Only if I had got a chance to talk to him, I could have written more :p I can have favourites, so for me, in Kalari he tops the charts..

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The Showstopper

Rides a bike.. with his grandchildren! Introduces himself as an old man! Runs around with a stick – not to support himself, but to hit kids who are slacking off 😀

Likes addressing people by their second names!  Has a practical sense of humour, better than all of his students put together.. Just so full of life and energy !!

You might have guessed by now- the reason why this kalari kabila exists- the man behind it, and if I can say so, our family..

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The inspiration for trying out Kalari will always be Vidyut, but the reason for sticking to it post a month has to be these guys.. 🙂

To be continued

Manu 🙂


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