This is about my experiences and people at Indihood.

I had thought I would write this once eNACH (a feature I have been working on for the past few months) gets in a place where I would not be scared of it anymore.
Waiting for eNACH because at Indihood, everyone in general is known for their work.
Someone for holding us all together, someone for being so busy that you have to literally take appointment 3-4 times before they oblige you, someone for being the go-to person in case you are stuck at work, someone for being the go to person for everything outside work and everyone for being awesome at their work.
So, naturally, I wanted to have something in the work domain.
And I could only write something when I could feel that I had done some work.
I'll start from the beginning.
It was during the COVID times, when I was looking for a job and domain change. One day, I got a call from a consultant telling me about Indihood. I saw the Indihood Teams page, and I was like- Why would they hire me! Everyone just had stellar work profiles and yet looked cool! (Check this out if you dont believe me! --> Link)
Owing to some good stuff I might have done in my life, I did get a chance to work at Indihood. Though I have in no way justified it yet.
But I like it here.. I even like the name- INDIHOOD. INDI-Something that speaks of India, its culture and values, its ways, its diversity, its people..and HOOD- something cool!
I plan to write this as a series..Till now I have written about few characters here.. And I hope it will be a good read..
Click on the links below to read about each character ..
Sports Corner
Work Stories
To be continued ..