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Writer: Vidhi AggarwalVidhi Aggarwal

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

I get up in the morning at 8. On most days. Once in a while, I get tired of my lifestyle and wake up earlier and go for a jog. And that happens once in a month. :p

Then I get ready for office in a haste. By 9 30, I leave. I travel by scooty (I wish it’ll change to a bike asap), metro, office shuttle and finally reach office by 11 30. For someone who never traveled for more than 20 mins, 2 hours one side everyday is my first achievement. 😀 First thing I do is : Spend 15 minutes in washroom, the maximum I can manage :p. That at least drives me out of my never ending slumber, enhanced by the metro and shuttle naps, even if it fails to make me more presentable.

Then after 1 hour of productive work, i.e. some online tutorials of my choice. I am out again. This time for a lunch and our TT.

(OUR : This is the best part , I ll come to it soon, well.. just for introduction.. our refers to our group..  brightest, youngest elite folks of BOA :D)

In TT, one of the most boring game on this planet, we face some serious fluctuation of emotions that challenges of a corporate life could never give one. “Jumping” on winning or sometimes getting a cool or even a chance point, and “I quit” on some easy drops. This is usually the most happening part of my day.

Then back to my system, for logging in to check if someone by mistake missed me. :p And usually, no one misses me :D, so mostly , I retire for the day , and go back home.

Sometimes, I stay back if we have a plan to the gym, or for a movie . To pass time, I do some tutorial, or read some random book or pen down stuff I want get out of my head in the mean time.

Then off to gym or TT table, or on some lucky days , out for a movie or dinner.

Well, that has been my life for the last 3 months or so.

I haven’t done a single penny worth of work for this organization. I am paid for coming to a depressing office. That might sound awesome at the first glance. Being paid for perks. But believe me it is not.

NOT when you are used to completing cool projects in a matter of days, working in a dynamic learning environment, this feels like a slow poison slowly killing you.


You re-evaluate…

Had I got 7 days a week free, I would have perhaps slept them off. But coming to office puts my body on a clock. I can read, write, and learn from the best learning resources and most of all work on my dream project.

I am not paid for travelling to and fro. I am paid for working on my own project, learning the stuff I like from lynda, which is otherwise paid but here I get it for free, use a free gym that will perhaps costs 2000 bucks otherwise. If that doesn’t sound cool enough. You might work off 6 days a week, mind you I usually work 4 days.. :D( That too if you want to call it work, I won’t mind at all).

Well, now I have got a project. On something I asked for : App D. And everything is still the same. I can still read, write and play. Only now I can also learn more in a time bound manner.

But more than this discipline, something else makes it worth it :

My Cool Group


If nothing else, believe me I never had such a large and select group.  We are a bunch of young kids, just out of cool colleges, all with big dreams and fat lazy attitudes. We are people who are so serious in life that we play our TT matches like international cricket world cups. 😀

Yeah, they are lazy LIKE ME, but cool in their own ways.

Ø  We have someone called Mr. MBA. 😛 The spoiler of most of our plans. But we recently learnt to ditch him. He happens to be one of the 2 best TT players in our TT champions group : Our most aggressive player. He taught me 2 things

  1. To be aggressive with style.

  2. Sadist humor is cool if its Abhinav :p

Ø  Then we have someone even weirder, Mr. INDIA. You won’t know when he vanishes from your side. While we all are fighting for our turns, he is someone who very gentle-manly decreases one contestant. 😀

Ø  Twin bro of Mr. India, is Chacha Chaudhary or you can call him Jatin Chaudhary. Ofc, I can say that cz he happens to be the fastest learner. Everything aside, service hi nahi pick hokar deti iski.  Without him perhaps, Abhinav won’t like office, Nitin won’t like gym and rest of us will fall short while planning an outing. 😀

Ø  Then there comes Ms. Mood lifter. I bet you to with her for 10 mins, without laughing your heart out. And second bet is to make sense of 1 thing she says. :p She is called Jyoti, the light of our group, who makes kit all-the-more light hearted.

Ø  She works better in tandem with someone, I’ll call BHAI :P. The lucky guy with a girlfriend, or the only committed one in a group of single nomads. :p You see the charm .. 😀 He happens to be the most happy-go-lucky dude. If you haven’t got it by now, I am talking about a little sporty, a little humorous and the most fun- Nitin.

Ø  This guy is the most affectionate compassionate one. He can hug you without a warning (condition applies: you must be a guy :D). Jokes apart, I really like him because you can count on him while making plans, but that will only happen if this girl is in, who happens to be my only girl-friend in BOA, otherwise I have a ton :p. Only thing is you can never count on him for coming on time. We wait for Shubham for atleast 15 minutes with 150 atleast “gaaliyaan” for lunch and TT.

Ø  Finally, I come to you. The most intelligent, sensible and patient amongst us. Ms IIT :D. Like IIT amongst DTU, BITS and VIT. Someone everyone MOSTLY listens to unlike me. :p But the best part, she is a normal dude girl .. you would know what I mean if you are an engineer J

Ø  There once was one MR IIT too. Genius when it came to codes, natural when it came to acting. BOA could not match up to him.

So you see, such a fun group, and an office that disciplines you for pursuing your own passion.  Its better than google 🙂 Yeah, dynamism and fast paced life has its thrill, but so does an independent free life of a bird. You perhaps suddenly grow up when you become financially independent but perhaps you grow up in the real sense when you can take charge of yourself. But no hurries there. Kuch cheezein aate aate hi aayengi. Life is still an adventure like it always has been. This is just a new phase bound to be full on fun and new memories.

Vidhi 🙂


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