When I first spoke to this guy, I remember him not even talking to me for some reason! 😛
Then I thought! What chance did I have of talking to someone who is into quantum physics? Quantum Physics was the point when I stopped understanding physics altogether. :p
But then,
He turned out to be a fine cricket player..
Even a decent badminton person..
But all this did not surprise me as much as his app development especially flutter expertise.
A little background
Before him, it was Satish who could answer android questions without me completing the question.
After Satish left Indihood, my android experiments ended.. Since whenever I asked something in Android to Abhijeet– He would say, move to flutter :p Then we'll talk! And of all the advice he has given me, this one has turned out to be helpful! :p
Flutter has a rich documentation and Indihood is replete with flutter folks.
So, lately, I developed an interest in making flutter apps from android apps.. And since then he is my flutter person at Indihood! :p
So, of all the people whom I do bother, I think I will end up bothering him the most.
Be it his sports skills, or app skills or conversation skills.. After our first conversation, that is, – true to his name- Bismay– this dude has been a surprise.. :D