There was a time when I thought – She is such a sweet and warm person. Mostly keeps to herself but always available for any help you might need.
At work! Some incidents I remember when she helped me through tough spots were- eNACH integration and a dangerous OTP bug :p!
She is not just a nice person and helpful person. She possesses patience that could compete with Abhishek's.
For a long time, I never got a chance to talk to her outside work! But when I did, it was whoaa..
There is more..
She is - “I am enough for myself” kind .Enjoys her own company as much as she enjoys being social. A hard trait to inculcate! And an even harder skill - to convince people to join in the madness.
There are people who joined Indihood because of her!
Very genuine, very caring, and very pretty – she is just pure love.. Srinithy :D

-- twwg