Ashwin Suri -- This guy helps me sort something out almost on a weekly basis!
I have so many instances that I want to write about him, that it will take forever! So, I'll just write my favourite for a start!
Me- Ashwin, there is some bug in this part, though I can’t find where.
Ashwin- Give me 10 mins.
Me- Sure..
After 10 mins– over call–
He starts reading it with me, and bingo, within a few minutes, we have the culprit.
Me - You didn’t read it before the call?
Ashwin- No, I was doing something else.
In short, he read the code for the first time and found the bug. I had been at it for the last few hours before I gave up and asked him.
This has happened quite a few times. And I am sorry for myself and grateful for Ashwin. This guy finds bugs in my code, faster than me. (I am like- Dude, I have written that!).
Earlier I thought, as far as our system is concerned, you ask him any question from anywhere, he will know! But why does he have to know my code better than me! That’s so woww! :D
Apart from work, it’s books that we sometimes talk about. It's surprising that he is not just a voracious reader, he is a Shatabdi reader. Every time you ask him, he'll tell you two new books he is reading.
And I just keep ordering the ones he suggests and now it is a pile. :D
We sometimes talk about the north south divide, culture differences, language differences and then the common stuff (probably my favourite topic of conversation for some reason). We have had some offhand chat about business ideas, sports, work styles once or twice.
I find this very impressive - The super fast way in which he finishes his work, has an idea about everything everyone is doing at least at a high level, maintains a stable hobby and routine, and even has conversations once in a while!
I don’t even want to imagine working without him.. (It’s scary). Co-workers and friends like him are a blessing! And all you can do is be grateful for them. (Kyonki unke jaisa banne ke liye to you can only wish :p)
Even though everyone is good at their work, I am yet to meet someone as fast and thorough as Ashwin in the work domain. Everyone is that way when it comes to a hobby or something they absolutely love doing. But work, however interesting it might be, does not qualify for the level of motivation I have seen in this guy. (*touchwood* and Krishna ji thodi sangat ka asar mujhpar bhi dikhaayein)
To be fair, I feel he should be paid 10x of what everyone else gets. And extra perks for being extra helpful. :p
I wish to learn from a lot of people, but from Ashwin I would probably want to learn this upbeat attitude towards work.