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Character #4

Writer: Vidhi AggarwalVidhi Aggarwal

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

Remember in the last piece I said- that me and Deepthi don't qualify as Fred and George. And I don't have high hopes, because that place is already taken- by MTR and Anand..

Heard that phrase- Jack of all trades, master of none! That came before MTR and Anand.

Or it would have written Jack of all trades and master of each one. -:p

These are professional geniuses. IIT B, IIT M, .. PhD.. CS Scientists. I can’t get into the hats they don! Its overwhelming :p

Makes me feel like I have wasted my life! And there is no hope for me!

But when I am in their presence, even virtually and we are talking about some issue or bug or having any discussion, I feel like I am Arjun and they are Krishna giving Gita ka updesh!

A few days back I was talking to MTR about a query I had! He was busy at that time so I couldn't connect with him then.

The next day he himself pinged to follow up! (Highly unexpected from someone who is as busy and important as he is!).

My query was about the best way to make some properties required that were optional. I knew of one way to do it (called Import, ignore if you are not in Indihood). First, he told me two more simpler ways! (Static Default Value, strict Cardinality, again, ignore if you are not in Indihood). Then he told me the possible issues which could arise.

Another thing that was bothering me was – about bringing down the server in my exercise. And he said, not an issue, even if you bring it down, we will restart it. (Yahi confidence chahiye yaar jeevan mein -:p)

In the end, he neatly wrapped our conversation by telling me what all I could try and how to go about it. But within an hour after our discussion, he himself had found better ways to test the probable solutions! Saving me quite some effort of testing!

The points I am trying to make here are many!

First, although he is one of the senior most people in office, if you ask him something, he will make time for you! On top of it, make you feel welcome! Even if you yourself feel your work/queries are unimportant from his standpoint.

Second, he will explain everything around what you ask in such detail that it will be sorted for you forever.

Third, if you are lucky he might also help you in doing that task!

Everything I wrote above holds true for Anand word to word. He is so cool that sometimes he answers my questions without me asking. -:p

One instance I remember is – When Anand had posted something about two keywords in our system that were unclear- exists and specified. This was an open question in one of the bugs I had a few months back. And it got resolved by that post.

Had these two been just this good at their work, it was fine. Everyone here is!

But they are good at everything!

Anand is a singer, MTR is a writer..

Anand is sporty, MTR is prof-ey..

You just name the skill, they are pros at it!

It is said, although not always true! As your pedestal rises, so does your humility.

Both of them seem omnipresent, omniscient.. to know everything everywhere! And yet you would hear them saying MTR and Anand saying every once in a while -- I don't know how this is working in our system! (Imagine how lost we all are then -:p)

One day I was very seriously and jokingly (not sure) asking Abhishek not to go on leave because that leaves me stranded. He said – It's fine if I go on leave. You should see what happens when MTR and Anand go on leave.

And I said (again, I don't know seriously or jokingly)– that is practically an Indihood off. :D

If I have to give one reference with respect to me about MTR and Anand- It would be Dumbledore and Gandalf.

Though, in general I find some other references more apt-- Jai Veeru and the ones I started with – the mischief makers –Fred and George.. They are our system creators– MTR and Anand!



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