How would you feel when the ideals you admire, respect, absolutely love and dote over..
Come together, spend time, dine..
Perhaps there are no words that can express that pure ecstasy
Just wish time would come to a standstill, and beyond everything else ..
Feel lucky… blessed that you were a part of this family..
So this goes for you
For this special awesome date
A 20 something lad bubbling with energy
With visions magnanimous and ideas revolutionary
You will never know it is him, co-founder of VMC, Nagarro and CB..
So humble, so modest, it feels impossible he makes you feel like an equal
An ideal teacher, a code lover, a chain entrepreneur..
A perfectionist in all walks of life
But for us, he will always remain:
Our Munna bhaiya, the guy with a never failing smile
If I am Harry :p , He is my Sirius,
If I am Sheldon, he is my Lenard..
Like that favourite friend, your partner in crime who is always by your side..
Like a godfather cum mentor without whom it might be fine, just not life..
My chubby cute Sandeep bhaiya, dunno what I would have done without him..
It has been 6 years, that I am just listening to verses about a genius ace..
And finally it was yesterday, I got to meet him face to face..
“Student wo jiske liye teacher ko padhna pade..
And teacher wo jo student ka har doubt resolve kar sake “
Shobhit Gupta: AIR 15.. Period..
Seems like it, but this is just an introduction to this magnetic personality.. 😀
7 days packed, and still so calm, composed and contended
After straight 8 hours of teaching, he is all in to extending..
Set out to redefine patience, hard-work, workaholism and passion..
Sumeet bhaiya.. A fabulous teacher and more than that.. a silent inspiration..
Just because more popular than my real name, is my handle @champion swimmer
Don’t mistake me as a swimmer, I have reached only till the nationals
You might confuse me with Arijit Singh,
I can sing but I am also not a singer
Sorry to disappoint you, I just happen to be a super lazy coder..
Perhaps it was grade 6 when I started to code,
and happen to have just 6 years of professional experience before I completed my college..
This is perhaps how the austere erudite “Arnav Sir” would describe him.. 😀
To know more.. check out this 😀
Waiter : Sir what would you drink .. ??
Prateek : No alcohol .. no beer.. Only juices.. Healthy drinks.. 😀
Sir .. aap paani se kaam chalaao.. Healthy drink 😀
Everyone here is a piece.. class apart.. But Prateek.. Truly unique 🙂
Of course Mr rank 1, pro coder, and not to forget: Modi fan and a fitness freak
The world would have been a better place had there been a few more like him..
My favourite co-TA Utkarsh, princess pretty Shikha, Ms pro Palak, the silent guys, Divyam and Sparsh.. Feel free to pool in .. 😀
And we missed your unintended punches Anushka..and the kiddo Aakarshak 🙂
Thank you all for this ethereal time..