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25 December 2022 Day 5, Mangalore Days MERRY CHRISTMAS

Writer: Vidhi AggarwalVidhi Aggarwal

Today was the day when I was going to see the beach! My Christmas was going to be merry and one I would never forget! Finally! Or so I thought! In the morning after reaching his clinic, uncle called us to tell us that there was some murder in Surathkal and we were forbidden to go to the beach alone! Since there was nothing we could do, we just chilled till further information.

For a start, I tried following the HIIT home workout with Mrinal and against my own expectations finished it.

It was a moderate intensity routine! But I knew I would not have the willpower to do it everyday! I want more push and peer group to work out something new and difficult to try! I am sure I only finished it because I did it with Mrinal,

It was a good one to do as a routine if I was self motivated enough! And I was proud I finished it!


1. Homemade Pizza with homemade dough

2. Pakodas

3. Lassi


This was the first time I ate Pizza. And the dough was just delicious! Mrinal often says there is no going back to bakeries once you start baking at home! And now I knew why!

The pakodas were light compared to the ones I usually have! And tasted similar! So, I could eat more -😀



In the evening, everything seemed normal so uncle allowed us to go to the beach. It was going to be my first beach experience.

Beach -😀

I was excited! For the first view.. And here it came!

I was seeing something you have seen in pictures, in movies, for real. Soft sand under my feet, waves gushing in front. Like everyone, I removed my shoes, and started walking on the sand.

It was very very clean. And soft!

I walked up to the shore! It was low tide. Water with some sand came and went! And it felt nice. Like I could stand there for hours looking at the sea and getting a sandy water massage.

Every time it came, it left some small shells! I picked up two- one for myself and one for my sister! As a souvenir. Just as I picked them up, some creatures started crawling out of it and I dropped them back! They were not empty shells. They harboured life!

After standing for some 10 minutes with my legs knee deep in water, I walked back to the shore, to my friend. On the way I found a starfish shell. It looked empty! So, I took it!

Mrinal busted my assumption and told me it was living and to leave it near the water or it will start stinking!

And so I gave up my wish to take shells as souvenirs!

We sat on the sand for quite some time and let the sea air fill us! I could breathe in and out here all day.

Then we tried some yoga poses. And recorded our chakrasana! Tried flips and acro-yoga but we need to work on it before we have enough strength to get perfect poses! (Noted to do for next time).

After that just rolling in the sand was nice.

Watched kids play, random people chilling!

The best sight was watching dogs run around, cheerful, carefree and playful!

Many activities would be fun here! Reading, writing, playing, exercising. And most of all just sitting and watching the sea!

We watched the sun set and slowly go down in the see!

How lucky were these NITK folks. They had this beach as their backyard. It was even named after their college- NITK Beach! They could just walk here every evening!

At the beach– you just lose all ambitions, all desires, all stress, everything! You just become nothing! You are able to let go! Without even trying!

Also, I had my first silhouette pictures against the sun. And they were so beautiful -🙂

And I had this song playing in the background –

“Auron se kya, khud hi se, pooch lenge raahein..

Yaheen kaheen, maujon mein hi

Dhoondh lenge hum – KINAARE”

So this was my first beach experience

NITK beach with NITK girl

on my 28th Christmas.. 25 Dec 2022.

Day 5 of my Mangalore vacation

We had to go home and take a bath.. After having sand all over and in us! And then we had dinner, chatted and slept! Happy and probably healed 🙂!



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